Vocab for Ideal language

Welcome to the second post about my ideal language!


Let’s start with a small recap about what have I done in my previous article in this series.

  1. Created the alphabet
  2. Made basic rules for wordbuilding
  3. Created the “to be” verb dero
  4. Introduced pronouns
  5. Added the word for greeting (Hai)

New problems

Name (TL;DR: Ikari/Ikara ringvi)

I don’t invent the name for this language on the previous talk with the reason: We didn’t initially have rules for wordbuilding, but now we can named it. Ideal language should be named Ikari. And the word for “language” is ringvi.

Using the rules of wordbuilding the name of the language can be Ikara ringvi too.

The Order1

In the first post I didn’t mentioned the order of words in sentences. So here it is: Subject Predicate Object.

Learning to learn

I think one of the most logical thing to add to vocab is the words for learning. So let’s add those:

Ikari English
rerno To learn
knigi Book
skribo To write
stabri Table

Let’s use those:

Mu rernos Ikara ringvi /Eng. I’m learning Ikarian language

Compound building

I like how meanings of compound words is basically the word itself, it is ideal.

Ikari Building English
rernknigi Rerno + knigi Textbook
skribknigi Skribo + knigi Workbook / notebook
skribstabri Skribo + knigi Desk

Ja, das ist sehr gut2

Ikari English
ji Yes
ni No

This, that and those

In the previous post I only created personal pronouns, but now let’s add the rest using the conjunction method (the thing that we did in Compound building)

Type Question (-ro) Indication (-to) Indefinite (-do) Universal (-vo) Negative (ni-)
Thing (Ta-) Tarou (what) Tatou (that) Tadou (something) Tavou (everything) Nitau (nothing)
Individual (Ka-) Karou (who) Katou (that person) Kadou (someone) Kavou (everyone, every) Nikau (no-one)
Time (Te-) Terou (when) Tetou (then) Tedou (sometime, ever) Tevou (always, everytime) Niteu (never, no time)
Quality (Ku-) Kurou (what kind of) Kutou (that kind of) Kudou (some kind of) Kuvou (every kind of) Nikuu (no kind of)
Place (Ge-) Gerou (where) Getou (there) Gedou (somewhere) Gevou (everywhere) Nigeu (nowhere)
Manner (He-) Herou (how) Hetou (like this, thus) Hedou (in some way) Hevou (in every way) Niheu (in no way)
Amount (Mo-) Morou (how much) Motou (that much) Modou (a certain amount) Movou (whole) Nimou (none)
Reason (Na-) Narou (why) Natou (for that reason) Nadou (for some reason) Navou (for every reason) Ninau (for no reason)
Possession (Se-) Serou (whose) Setou (that one’s) Sedou (someone’s) Sevou (everyone’s) Niseu (no-one’s)

The table is created based on the Esperanto 12 Table Words table

20000 Leagues Under the Seas3

In the table there is amount pronounses, but we do not have numbers! Let’s fix it:

Ikari Math
nou 0
anu 1
dou 2
tau 3
fou 4
fiu 5
seu 6
siu 7
atu 8
unu 9
cenu 10
nenu 100
tenu 1000

We construct the number simply with these rules: Thousands-Hundreds+Tens+Ones (example: NenuFiuTenu-UnunenuAtucenuSeu = 105986 (write with that capitalisation and with “-” after thousands))

I think that’s all for today. Stay tuned.

  1. The Order of Endeyshent Laboratories, the organization created by me. Used here as a wordplay ↩︎

  2. German: Yes, that is very good. ↩︎

  3. Classic science fiction adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne ↩︎


Russian programmer, Linux and liguistics enthusiast

All I know is what I have words for.

By EndeyshentLabs, 2023-12-18