Socialising with my Ideal language

Welcome to fourth talk about the Ideal language Ikari!

I’d like to start this talk with announcement: I’ve created the Ikari Discord server and that’s why today’s talk is about socialising.

Better than French

Word stress in Ikari is positioned at the very first syllable of the word’s root.


When you’ll join the Discord server you’ll see that most of the words are start with the prefix “koc’-”. That prefix comes right before the word’s root and denotes that the word is not Ikarian.

For example: Koc’computer – computer (using English); Koc’дом – home (using Russian).

Usual British talk

For those who didn’t get that joke in the title: it means “Talking about weather”.

Ikari English
veteri Weather
rani Rain
ranos It is raining
snegi Snow
snegos It is snowing

For example: Ro’veteri deros guta. (Eng. The weather is good.)

Today tomorrow is tomorrow, but tomorrow tomorrow will be today

“Today”, “tomorrow” etc. is an adverb, so we need to add new wordbuilding suffix. That suffix will be "-e".

Ikari English
tone Today
tane Tomorrow
tene Yesterday
rite Now, right now

For example: Ro’veteri derok nonoguta tane. (Eng. The weather was bad yesterday.)

Morgen and tag or morning and day

The answer is morgen and tag (German).

Ikari English
morgi Morning
tagi Day
vegi Evening
nati Night

Speaking (literally)

Spiko – To speak

Combined knowledge

Using the knowledge that we have we can say:

Tane oc vegi derok nonoguta. (Eng. Yesterday’s evening was bad.)


Smol post for today. Stay tuned and join Ikari Discord server!

New material:

  • Ikari Discord server
  • Word stress is on the very first syllable of the word
  • Koc’ prefix – denotes that word is not Ikarian
  • veteri – Weather
  • rani – Rain
  • ranos – It is raining
  • snegi – Snow
  • snegos – It is snowing
  • tone – Today
  • tane – Tomorrow
  • tene – Yesterday
  • rite – Now, right now
  • morgi – Morning
  • tagi – Day
  • vegi – Evening
  • nati – Night
  • spiko – To speak


Russian programmer, Linux and liguistics enthusiast

Communication is the most important part of anything you do.

By EndeyshentLabs, 2023-12-20