Creating new, ideal language


As you probably know, I love learning languages. And my native language is Russian. What’s odd in Russian? The answer is – It’s SUPER hard. I personally think that it’s just impossible to fully learn Russian. But there is English, it’s better? No, it isn’t! It has very strange and unnecessary things, like the letters “W”, “Q”, “Y” and “X”, verb tenses. But what about Esperanto? Um, yeah, it’s little bit better, but it also has that strange parts. Maybe Toki-Pona? It’s the closest to the ideal language. But it has very little vocab and community.


That all means, that we need to create ideal, international, easy to learn language.

Let’s start!

Building blocks

What’s the most basic, but important thing in every language? It’s alphabet.

I personally think basic latin alphabet without some letters is the best option. So what I offering is:

Letter Sound (IPA)
Aa /ʌ/
Bb /b/
Cc /ts/
Dd /d/
Ee /ɛ/
Ff /f/
Gg /g/
Hh /x/
Ii /i/
Jj /j/
Kk /k/
Mm /m/
Nn /n/
Oo /o/
Pp /p/
Rr /r/ (Russian R|Р)
Ss /s/
Tt /t/
Uu /u/
Vv /v/

No letter “L” because it’s kinda hard to pronounce (there is no sound L in Japanese btw)

Building the house

We have alphabet, so we can start thinking about wordbuilding. I think we’ll take idea of wordbuilding from Esperanto (adding special suffixes to the end of the word).

Suffix Meaning
-i It’s a noun
-o It’s a verb (inf.)
-os It’s a verb (present)
-ok It’s a verb (past)
-a It’s a adjective
-u It’s a pronoun or a number
-ki It’s feminine
-r Plural form (comes last)

But Esperanto also has special prefixes for words. Let’s do the same

Prefix Meaning
ro'- Definite
ka- Both genders together (always plural)

Building the town

We have wordbuilding now, yay! Now we can start thinking about grammar. But I we’ll need the “to be” verb. Let me introduce you to “dero”, the “to be” verb of my ideal language (it hasn’t got name yet).

Let’s also introduce some pronouns

Ideal-lang English
Mu I
Mur We
Tu You
Tur You(pl.)
Riu He/It
Rikiu She
Kariur They

Letters in bold are the special suffixes and prefix about which we have talked in Building blocks.

Now let’s introduce the “Hello” of the Ideal-lang – “Hai”.

We have all things that we needed to say hello and introduce yourselves. Let’s do it!

Hai! Mu deros EndeyshentRabs! /Eng. Hello! I am EndeyshentLabs!


I think that’s all for today. We have wordbuilding and grammar, so we just need to populate the vocab.

I will try my best to post blogs about this language every day. Stay tuned.


Russian programmer, Linux and liguistics enthusiast

The limits of my language means the limits of my world.

By EndeyshentLabs, 2023-12-17