Talking about people in my Ideal language

Hello and welcome to the Aper… oh sorry, wrong script!

Welcome to my third talk about the Ideal language Ikari.

Your or you’re?

Today we’ll be talking about people. Let’s start by remembering the basic rules of the wordbuilding which was covered in first article about this language where we can see that adjectives are formed with formbuilding suffix -a. If we take personal pronoun and add that suffix we’ll create the possessive pronoun. For example: Mu (I) + -a => Mua (My) and the same we can apply to all pronouns (NOTE: Plural formbuilding suffix comes the last!).

Now we can that something is someone’s:

Tatou deros riua knigi /Eng. This is his book


The word for “and” – kar.

About people

As we remembered about adjectives, let’s add some to the vocab of the Ikari:

Ikari English
krasna Beautiful
smarta Smart
tora Tall
guta Good

As you can see, I didn’t include opposites of these words, but I did it for a reason. The reason is new wordbuilding prefix nono which inverts the meaning of the word. For example: nonoguta (Eng. Bad)

Sofia deros krasna. /Eng. Sofia is beautiful.

Mark deros smarta kar tora. /Eng. Mark is smart and tall.

The workers

We do not forget about workers. I introduce you to the wordbuilding suffix "-ist-" which works like in English, it denotes a profession.

Ikari Building English
skribisti Skribo + -ist- Writer

And do not forget about sportisti – sportsman (sporti – Sport).

Mark deros sportisti. /Eng. Mark is a sportsman.

Man of a kind

We have proffesions, but what about passive activity of people, like students. For that case we’ll use wordbuilding suffix "-art-". For example: rernarti – Learner, Student (rerno - to learn)

Mark deros rernarti. /Eng. Mark is a student.


But what if we want to use somebody’s name, instead of pronoun. Let me introduce you to new postposition oc. This postposition works like ’s at the end of the word in English. So the usage of this word:

Tatou deros Mark oc knigi. /Eng. This is Mark’s book.

Consolidation (aka Hometask)

Make a short speech about yourself using the words in About people and (if possible) using the “and” word, the suffixes -art- or/and -ist-.

New material:

  • Possessive pronouns using formbuilding suffix -a. Ex. Tua (Eng. Yours)
  • kar – And
  • krasna – Beautiful
  • smarta – Smart
  • tora – Tall
  • guta – Good
  • Wordbuilding prefix nono – inverts meaning of the word
  • Wordbuilding suffix ist – denotes a profession
  • sporti – Sport
  • Wordbuilding suffix _art- – denotes a usual activity. For example: rernarti – Learner, student (rerno – To learn)
  • oc - (postpos., special) Denotes that something is belongs to somebody. Ex. Mark oc knigi (Eng. Mark’s book)


Russian programmer, Linux and liguistics enthusiast

No matter what your differences are, you have to embrace them and be proud of the way you are.

By EndeyshentLabs, 2023-12-19