
Down the rabbit hole…

Sciences and positions in Ideal language

Hai! It’s been a while, but I’ve collected lots of materials and ideas for my Ideal language Ikari. Back to the tomorrow I’ll start off with some addition to previous post. The reason for that is that I’ve forgot to add words for week, month and year. So here there are: Ikari English viki a week monti a month jeri a year And let’s add the word for night – neti.

Socialising with my Ideal language

Welcome to fourth talk about the Ideal language Ikari! I’d like to start this talk with announcement: I’ve created the Ikari Discord server and that’s why today’s talk is about socialising. Better than French Word stress in Ikari is positioned at the very first syllable of the word’s root. Foreigner When you’ll join the Discord server you’ll see that most of the words are start with the prefix “koc’-”. That prefix comes right before the word’s root and denotes that the word is not Ikarian.

Talking about people in my Ideal language

Hello and welcome to the Aper… oh sorry, wrong script! Welcome to my third talk about the Ideal language Ikari. Your or you’re? Today we’ll be talking about people. Let’s start by remembering the basic rules of the wordbuilding which was covered in first article about this language where we can see that adjectives are formed with formbuilding suffix -a. If we take personal pronoun and add that suffix we’ll create the possessive pronoun.

Vocab for Ideal language

Welcome to the second post about my ideal language! Recap Let’s start with a small recap about what have I done in my previous article in this series. Created the alphabet Made basic rules for wordbuilding Created the “to be” verb dero Introduced pronouns Added the word for greeting (Hai) New problems Name (TL;DR: Ikari/Ikara ringvi) I don’t invent the name for this language on the previous talk with the reason: We didn’t initially have rules for wordbuilding, but now we can named it.

Creating new, ideal language

Problem As you probably know, I love learning languages. And my native language is Russian. What’s odd in Russian? The answer is – It’s SUPER hard. I personally think that it’s just impossible to fully learn Russian. But there is English, it’s better? No, it isn’t! It has very strange and unnecessary things, like the letters “W”, “Q”, “Y” and “X”, verb tenses. But what about Esperanto? Um, yeah, it’s little bit better, but it also has that strange parts.

Blog made with Hugo

Long time ago I came up with idea to start my own blog. It was at the very beginning of my IT journey and I only knew HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I started my first website which was inspired by Anuken’s website. It was enough to post some basic information about my first games, but in long-term it was just unacceptable. The website was very crappy and didn’t even work properly on mobile devices, so I decided to start new blog website.


Russian programmer, Linux and liguistics enthusiast